Thursday, November 12, 2009

Blessed Be

It is yet another day that God has made and as with each day I continue to be blessed. Just looking at my life I can truly say that I am just a pebble in the road on the path towards his glory. I have so much to be thankful for a loving family,friends,children and a husband that God could have only sent. If only more souls could open up to him and then they would know my Joy.
God I ask for your grace and magnify your name , I shout it from every mountain and I sing it in the valleys low. I thank you father for being my everything and knowing all my needs....Amen"

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Power of Prayer

I am one that believes in the power of prayer so here is one that I found on You Tube especially for the military wife that have husband's deployed ,etc.
This prayer does send spiritual energy through your soul so please use it and pass it on. The link is below so enjoy this spritual link.

Semper FI Marine Wifeys ...Blog at you later.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Affirm your Life (step one)

Affirmations are words that we speak that can affect us in a positive way or sometimes negatively. I will discuss how affirmations work and how to effectually change the way you believe and think. Is so simple ; a man is what he believes himself or herself to be. If you say I am so lonely then that is what you will become and remind to be. As the bible says "As a man speaketh so he shall become" in other words ,if hear it enough then it must be so. I think the first step is to clear out of the negative energy and words that are around you. I do mean let's clean house , No more negative words from yourself or others it can only stop you from being the person that GOD wants all of us to become.

An prosperous person is one that believes in themselves and lets nothing stand in their way this includes negative forces around them. They learn to keep them away and not let people that have negativity in their lives. Shake that negative tree , lose all the bad fruit and plant a prosperity tree in your life. Nothing is holding you back but you , stop blaming things on others or situations, etc, because it is all about your self beliefs. I don't allow people to speak negative things around me it messes with my positive energy flow. So lets only try saying this each day of our life; Everything and everybody prospers me now. You can say it often throughout your day but once it becomes a reality in your soul then it will manifest in some many different forms and times in your life. Just say it and it will become a part of you. Believe it and receive it. If you plant it, it will grow. I will discuss affirmations further with you as I continue this topic, but you need to absorb what I have given.
Semfer Fi Marine Wifeys and Blog at you later.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson has Died at age 50

It has been a lifetime it seems like for me since I have had this man as a part of my life. I can remember meeting him when he was apart of his brothers group the Jackson Five; at a friends home when I was a teenager. I have seen this man remake himself into such a wonderful performer ,entertainer and a father. I cant image how my life has been changed in someway by his music , videos and just his presence. The world has lost two great people today including Farrah Fawcett at age 62 and I think we will forever hold a place in our hearts for all their creativity, that we have experienced through their careers. Angels they only could have been in this life for the courage that they displayed throughout their lifetimes. I am sure that MJ has touched so many of us and he was the King of POP. RIP and I know that Peter was waiting at the pearly gates with a silver glove for you and doing the moon walk .......Semper FI Marine Wifeys....Blog at ya later.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mike Tyson's Loss of a Child

I cant believe how cold the world has become when a parent losses a child. Mike Tyson is a parent and he has lost his child due to a terrible accident. I heard it on the news and I read it online but I will tell you that no matter how much you may dislike the fighter that he is still a human being and a father that has to bury his little girl. Yahoo news had a post about his daugther and if you look at the reply posts most of them are very hateful. I must say that I may not have agreed with Mike Tyson and some of his faults but I would never wish him any harm or as some say bad Karma (loss of his child) that was due him for his sins. Well I don't think GOD lives here on earth and I know that I would never want anyone to loose a child. I would like to pass on my prayers for this man and his family in his time of need..... May GOD keep you lifted and may his blessings always be upon you.... AMEN. I am sure that you baby girl is smiling down from heaven on you. Lets not forget that a child is a blessing and any of us that has a child ought to thank GOD that we still have them to hold and love each day. Semper FI Marine Wifeys and Blog at you later.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Love yourself

How many of us can say that we love ourselves? Can you look in the mirror and see your flaws? Look close at your life and see how your are living. Do you try to do the right thing when it comes to family and friends? I know that we are not perfect but do you believe that you are never guilty of any wrong doings that clearly have your name on them. I do love myself enough to admit when I am at fault or that I am not perfect but I do love myself enough to try very hard to do what is right. I always love myself enough to love others no matter if they don't love me. The hardest thing we have in this world is to admit to oneself that we do not have wings at least not yet but for some this may never be a reachable task. Semper FI Wifeys and love yourself then you can love others...Blog at you later.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Each of us has a tendency to take life for granted. So why do we do that? Is it because we just believe that the world evolves around us. I will tell you that with out GOD there is no life. I have had many trials and if I had my head on right maybe I could have avoided some of them but nevertheless I came through landing on a cloud. I truly didn't do it along because I was not able to change what was going on in my life without calling to Him for help. I had to learn to be thankful and give all of my trials as well as my joys to the Lord. What I am saying to you is that if it was not for God where would I be, OK I am ready to sing now... I do know that I couldn't have made it without Him as the center of my life. If you don't know what I mean then you are on the wrong path please turn around and walk with him. Being blessed and highly favored is a phrase that I do know to be a reflection of my life. I have been on the top of the world and in the mud but God always made a way for me, out of no way. I could write on this forever if I were to list all of my blessings just know that through every trail that I was truly blessed. Amen to the glory of his giving his life for me... Blog at you later and be Blessed. SEMPER FI Marine Wifeys